
Network Diagram

../_images/network_diagram.pngNetwork Diagram

Grapl Services - main pipeline

Unless otherwise specified, the input to a service is the output of the one described above it.

Graph Generator

Input: Event logs (e.g. sysmon logs, osquery logs, Cloudtrail logs) from the customer’s S3 bucket.

Work: Turns these events into a standalone subgraph, independent of existing Dgraph state.

Output: Stores the subgraph to S3 for Node Identifier.

Node Identifier

Work: Identifies nodes in the incoming subgraph against the canonical identities of nodes in DynamoDB. The incoming nodes may be new, or they may represent something already known in the master graph.

For instance, an incoming subgraph may refer to a process {PID:1234, name: "coolthing.exe", started at 1:00AM}; it’s possible that Dgraph already has a node representing this exact same process. We’d like to de-duplicate this process node.

Output: TODO

Graph Merger

Work: Write the new edges and nodes from Node Identifier to Dgraph.

Output: TODO (it looks like exactly the same as node identifier’s output, just re-encoded?)

Analyzer Dispatcher

Work: Determines which analyzers to execute against recently merged graphs

Output: TODO

Analyzer Executor

Work: Executes queries against Dgraph, and - upon a successful query hit - determines which lenses and risk nodes to create

Output: A JSON dump of risks and lenses to be created by the Engagement Creator (see for specifics)

Engagement Creator

Work: Simply appends the risks and lenses described in its input to Dgraph.

Output: Nothing is written to S3; the desired output is a mutation to Dgraph.

Other services

Metric Forwarder

Input: This services receives stdout from other lambdas via Cloudwatch Logs. We subscribe only to logs that contain the reserved keyword MONITORING|.

Work: Metric Forwarder parses these log lines - which are statsd serialized metrics - and forwards them to Cloudwatch as metrics.

Model Plugin Deployer


Dgraph TTL

Work: Every minute, prunes old subgraphs from Dgraph. (At time of writing, ‘old’ is defined as 365 days old.)

Engagement UX

Provides the main customer interaction with Grapl. Mostly a view wrapper around Engagement Edge.

Graphql Endpoint


Engagement Edge

Provides REST APIs - primarily consumed by Engagement UX - for things like:

  • Authn/Authz

  • Common Dgraph queries (i.e. “List all lenses”)